Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Loving Launchy

I have a problem. I manage a bunch of websites, some of them dynamic applications, and others static 'classic' html sites. Periodically I have to check the sites for broken links, for which I use a great utility called Link Sleuth by Xenu.

But I am a nerd. This means that I am constantly installing, uninstalling and moving programs around on any of the 3 computers I use all the time. When it comes time for me to check these links I can never remember where the program folder and executable link for Link Sleuth actually resides, nor can I remember where I put utilities like this on my start menu.

Enter Launchy.

Actually a friend at work pointed me at Launchy a while ago, and at first I didn't get it. I figured it was just a quicker way to create shortcut hot keys like this. I had no idea that it would index executables on my drive.

Now all I have to do to start Link Sleuth is type ALT+Space and then type X. It selects Xenu Link Sleuth automatically. I hit enter and everything is coming up Millhouse.

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