Friday, April 28, 2006

Group Riding Skills

One of my favorite sites, Bike Forums, has a great post on rules and etiquette for group riding.

Click here to read the full discussion.

The full list is pretty long, but I want to highlight a couple of the "rules":
  • Do NOT cross/overlap wheels with the guy in front of you.
  • Carry enough gear so that you don't have to ask for help when you have problems. (A future post will cover what I carry on a normal commute, and on a long training ride.)
  • Wear a helmet - this one isn't in the Bike Forums list, but I lead rides for youth groups, scouts, and a lot of novices. In some cases the rules of the sponsoring group requires that all participants wear a helmet. It's easier on the ride leader if everyone wears one.
  • If you get a flat in the middle of a pack, call out "Flat!". Raise your hand, if it is safe to do so, so other riders can spot you and not run over you.
  • Always assume that there is a rider behind you, and on your left, and on your right, until you can prove otherwise.
  • Have fun and encourage the new riders.
That last rule is the most important. I remember my first real group ride. I was (still am) pretty out of shape. The ride leader told me I was doing great, even though I was obviously struggling to hang on, and drifted back to check on me several times. All the riders in the group were great.

Those were just a few of the "rules" - so if you get a chance, jump on over and read the full thread.

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